Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thank you to Nicky and Paul
Last Wedding of the year and boy what a great surprise. A beautiful Winter Wedding with all the orange warm colours that Britain can offer this time of year.  Always nice to meet a great couple who love to be photographed. The album will be stunning as it captures all the warmth of the mansion at Xmas, something to treasure for ever. I like winter Weddings and the Sun peeping out made it seem all the more rewarding.
Xmas decorations, fireplaces blazing, poping and cracking,

Finally the D3 does what it was built for.
For the techies amongst us, it was a chance to test the dynamics of the D3 and you have to agree that baby did well under extreme conditions.

Stay tuned I have a year end summary coming up with a few thanks to give.
T the Brit