Tuesday, May 22, 2007

As an Apple evangelist for the last 6 years this weekend I begrudgingly had to concede my 6 year old MAC Quicksilver had done its full tour of duty and needed to be upgraded. In this time I have had 3 PC's and yet the MAC has been faultless, undergone 3 major O/S upgrades and countless patches. Never a problem never a support call. That is a product and I am sad to see it sit at the side lines for now. Alas the King is dead.

All hail the new mahooley machine !!!! What a beast and the screen is staggeringly amazing. 30 inches and a second screen of 20 inches, takes 30 minutes to move the mouse from one side to the other. I love it. Fast zippy and lots of expandability which will keep this machine going for another 6 years I am sure. That is investment return in the true sense.

But most people dont realise the greatest piece of engineering. Connect the old one to the new one via Firewire and ZAP it all moves across seamlessly, and apart from a couple of products that need the keys re-entering the new machine looks just like the old one just prettier, faster, bigger and quieter.

Apple I salute you ! Thank you for allowing me to give you far too much money.